Monthly Archives: July 2013


Buying a new board is the thing a surfer lives for, and better yet, ordering a custom surfboard! We’re a curious group us surfers… we’re always looking for new ways to skin a cat. When we see the latest design, we feel lost until we’ve ridden one. Sometimes we’re patient enough to borrow a board […]


We’ve all had to change hats in our lifetimes, and by that I mean change what we do to make our money… but at a certain point we usually settle into a spot that fits, our own little niche if you will. I went through my changes just like the rest of us, pro skateboarder, […]

How and why

So I was recently asked how I got into shaping, my answer? Well, before I started shaping, just about every time I ordered a custom board I’d end up with something other than what I’d expected. It always left a sour taste in my mouth, so I’d always wanted to try making myself a board. […]

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